Collection: 2023 OUT TO TROUT Jr.
When?: July 15th - 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Where?: Statewide! (Kickoff will be online via Facebook LIVE) All rivers and streams are fair game. No pond fishing, and no big lake fishing. All teams found in violation will be subject to disqualification from the event and will no longer be allowed to participate in future MTA Tournaments.
How?: Each trout that is caught throughout the tournament will have a photo taken with it either on a bump board approved by MTA, or on a standardized measuring device (tape measure or ruler). Photos will be sent to Michigan Trout Addicts on Facebook, or to phone number: 989-916-9082. SUBMIT ALL PHOTOS! Every photo submitted will be acknowledged and running scores will be kept throughout the tournament with intermittent updates of leaderboards being placed on the Michigan Trout Addicts Facebook page to keep teams in the loop.
Teams: 2 person teams only. One participant must be under the age of 18.
- Every team that registers will receive an exclusive item of their choice from the list below designed by MTA staff specifically for the Out To Trout jr. 2023 tournament!
Rules and Regulations:
Top 3 trout (length) caught by each team will be scored. The sum of the lengths of these fish in inches will be the final score for the team. Brown, Rainbow, and Brook Trout all count. Exceptions: Rainbow trout over 22" will only be given a score of 22 points due to the number of steelhead in our rivers/streams at nearly all times of the year. All steelhead will be disqualified as determined by the MTA Board. Brook trout will be given an additional 50% in points for that fish at the time of scoring to offset size inequalities between them and the other species. Scoring will be as below.
Team A - 14.5" Brown Trout, 15.25" Brown Trout, 12.0" Brook Trout
Team A Score: 14.5 + 15.25 + 12.0 + (12 x 50% for brookie bonus) = 14.5 + 15.25 + 12.0 + 6 = 47.75 pts.
How To Win: The team with the highest overall score will win the tournament!
This Tournament is designed to get our youth out in nature, and allow them the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. Many children don't care to understand the beauty that Michigan has to offer, and this is a great chance to bond with a younger sibling, or spend quality time with your child in a different setting than what is typical. This is not meant to be a cut-throat tournament, as there will be a trophy, but no cash prize for the winning team. Just a great way to enjoy a weekend on the water!