"Brown Bests"
Submit your Brown Trout moments to Michigantroutaddicts@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook to submit a picture and have it featured here with a short story about your special moment!
Jack Green with a Personal Best Brown Trout - 28.5"- Caught in the late winter of 2023. This dandy crushed a large inline bladed spinner and broke it right as the five minute fight on light tackle was finished!
Colby Cottick (PB Brown) - 25.5'' Caught in the spring of 2024. This dandy came two days after Colby's father passed away and Colby was able to share the moment with his son, Keagan! We're sorry to learn of your family's loss.
Alex Klekotka (PB Brown) - 23" Caught while Steelheading. "Thought I was hooked to a log until it came to life, " Klekotka shares. "A memory that will last forever!"
David Crouse (PB Brown) - 24" Caught on a 7' ultralight rod and 4lb test. "My personal best before this was 16". Needless to say me and my brother were both pumped when we landed him after a 10 minute battle" explains Crouse.
Tim Bachman (PB Brown) - 22.5" caught on Bachman Spinner in 30 degree weather! "I was lucky this fish didn't get me tangled in the logs nearby," says Bachman. "It was also the first day where both myself and my brother landed fish over 20"!
Mike Richardson (PB Brown) - 25.5" beast landed during MTA Out To Trout "The Closer" Tournament 2018. Mike shares, "This was the last good hole in the last stretch of good water in the tourney. The best part of it all was that my dad was there to witness it with me."
Cam Vanderhoff (PB Brown) - Undisclosed length. "I could hear something up ahead of me slurping bugs off the surface. I was surprised at her size, and was able to tail her, take a few quick pics, and get her back for a great release. I walked out of the woods that night with my head held high!"
Josh Smith (PB Brown on the Fly) - Undisclosed length. "I was fishing the Au Sable, and noted a tree that was down with the branches out of the water, shares Smith. "after my fly passed one of the branches, there was an explosion! Took a quick pic and sent back on it's way. Thanks to Papa Birkle for the experience and the memory!"
Gretchen Meyers -(PB Brown) - Undisclosed length. Her and her husband made their way quietly up a cool stream to land this beautiful butterball. She recalls: "The fish surfaced so I really focused on my cast. I remember fighting it for what felt like an eternity. I was excited and nervous because I wanted to land it BAD." It appears her focus and
patience paid off.
Justin "JD" Durrance (Michigan PB Brown) - Undisclosed length. JD states, "Fish was caught during the Hex spinner fall. Crushed my fly in the last little bit of evening daylight. It fought very hard and was a BLAST on my 6wt fly rod." Nice work, JD!
Chris Bachman (PB Brown) - 22 1/2" . Chris was able to bag this "U.P. Beauty" with only a couple hours left of the Closer Tournament. Great fish, Chris!
Jordan Lemmer (PB Brown) - 23". Jordan's story: "Went out a few times right at the end of season for one more over 20", and on the last day I hooked into this boy with a gnarly kype going on. Released to grow a smidge more so I can get my 24" goal."
Eric Schaeffer (PB Brown) - 23.25" - "... Surprised me. I hadn't caught that caliber or fish in that stretch of river." Eric explains, "Relatively quick fight and easy release." That was a nice surprise for you, Eric!
Sean Meadows (PB Brown) - 23.75" - Sean was out mousing when this trout was "Slurping" for a burping and decided Sean's fly was its next meal. Great fish, Sean!
Brooks Warner (PB Brown) - Undisclosed length - Brooks caught this beauty on a cold, early spring float. The trout was taken on Brooks' own hand tied streamer. Great fish, Brooks!
Trenton Rogers (PB Brown) - 25.5" - Trenton caught this Goliath Brown while out mousing. Incredible catch, Trenton!
John Large (PB Brown) - 20.5" - John caught this beauty on a chilly Trout Opener float. "I just tried to guide the fish out of troubled waters," explains Large. "We traded ground for three to four minutes before the fish was eventually netted." Great story and awesome trout, John!
Joshua John (PB Brown) -22.5" - Joshua explains his accomplishment: "First time fishing a new river and the 3rd fish I catch is my new personal best at 22 1/2!" Great trout, Joshua!