Opener 2024

Final 2024 MTA Opener Tournament leaderboard results.
1. Team Bigfoot - 26.5, 22.25 , 21= 69.75
2. Cosmic Brownies - 24,22.75, 22.5=69.25
3. Wallhangers - 24, 22.25,22= 68.25
4. Release and Repeat - 22.5, 21.75, 21.25= 65.5
5. Trout Gone Wild - 21.5, 21, 20.5= 63
6. Shooting Blanks - 25.5, 19.25, 17.75= 62.5
7. Reel Men- 24, 20.5,18= 62.5
8. Family Tradition - 22, 20.5, 19.5= 62
9. Stream Eaters - 22.75, 20.25, 18= 61
10. Original 2- 22.5, 19.5, 18.25= 60.5
11. The Peer Boyz- 23.25, 18.75, 18.25= 60
12. Trout Bums - 24,18.5, 16.75= 59.25
13. Beaverdam Bandits - 15.25B, 13.5B, 10.75B= 59.25
14. Stream Stalker's - 20.5R, 19.25, 18.5= 58.25
15. Reel Addicts - 14.5B, 12.25B ,12 B= 58.125
16. River Sisters - 24,17,17= 58
17. Stocker Beatdown - 21.25, 20,16= 57.25
18. Trout for Clout - 19, 17.75, 12.5B= 55.5
19. Freedom 35 - 21,18,16=55
20. Sucks at Fishing - 19.25, 18, 17.5= 54.75
21. Death By Trout - 18R, 17.25,13B= 54.75
22. Lone Wolf - 17.5, 12.5B, 12.25B= 54.675
23. Trout Tacklers - 13.5B, 12 B, 10.75B = 54.375
24. Wingless Skeeter- 18.25, 17 5, 17.25= 53
25. Didn't Go Twenty - 20.75, 16,15.5= 52.25
26. Nicholas Clish- 18.75, 18.25,15R= 52
27. Trout Daddys - 18.5, 15.75, 11.5B= 51.5
28. Troutcasts - 17.75, 17, 16.5= 51.25
29. Stout Trout - 18, 16.5, 16.25= 50.75
30. Tucks Army - 12.5B, 10.75B, 10.5B= 50.625
31. Spin Doctors - 19.75, 15.5, 14.5=49.75
32.Hole Hoppers- 16.5, 16 5,16= 49
33. Boom Bang Done - 13B, 10B , 9.5B = 48.75
34. Castaways - 15.5B, 15.75, 15.75= 47.25
35. Small Fish Only - 15 25, 10.5B, 10.25B = 46.375
36. Tugger Town - 13.25, 13.5, 12.5B= 45.5
37. Moggo Outdoors - 16, 14.75, 13 75= 44.5
38. Anglerholics - 16,14.5, 13.75= 44.25
39. Creek Stompers - 9.75B , 9.5B, 9.5B = 43.125
40. Dirty Oars - 15.25, 14.75, 13= 43
41. One good leg - 20, 17.75= 37.75
42. Brown Bangers - 12.25, 12, 11.75= 36
43. Team Peyton- 10.5, 7B, 6.5B= 30.75
44. Team Brouwer- 10R, 10R, 9.25R= 29.25
45. For the love of Trout - 9.75B, 7.75B= 26.25
46. Trout Pursuit - 13B= 19.5
47-50 Didn't Report or Not Before 2pm
R - Rainbow
B- Brookie .. gets ×1.5 per fish added on
Trifecta 26.5 brown, 16.5 rainbow , 12.5 Brook
Team Bigfoot.
Big Brown - 26.5, team Bigfoot
Big Brookie- 15.5, team castaways
Big bow - 20.5 , Stream Stalker's
Congratulations to team Bigfoot for the big sweep this year!
Thanks again everyone for a great tournament if you see something wrong in the results on your team feel free by sending me a text message , we will get with the trophy teams to get those out and as well as the money for top 5 . Another awesome tournament in the books ! Ben